Inside JLG Architects’ new regenerative living office in downtown Grand Forks, ND, employee well-being, comfort, and environmental stewardship drive a progressive carbon neutral organization. JLG’s…
The Eagan Art House has provided meaningful in-person and virtual creative arts experiences in Eagan, MN, for over 25 years. With an aging building and…
A well-designed space has the power to impact lives in ways that are both conscious and subconscious, tangible and intangible. Michelle Mongeon Allen, FAIA, CEO…
“When design options come back, we’re speaking to them in their terms with design options that have specific value to them,” said Thibaudeau. “If [designers]…
If you’re a business owner waiting for factual proof of how a sustainably designed office can provide enough benefit to outweigh the initial cost, you’re…
JLG has purchased verified North Dakota and South Dakota carbon offset credits to offset the firm’s 2020 office energy use and business travel-related carbon emissions. …