
University of Minnesota Health Clinics and Surgery

Minneapolis, Minnesota

A new ambulatory care center for the University of Minnesota Physicians and Fairview Health Services is the first phase of future medical buildings being planned. Designed by Studio Five Architects prior to merging with JLG and in association with CannonDesign, Clinical program elements include an ambulatory surgery center, comprehensive cancer center, clinics of all varieties (transplant, cardio, medical specialties, surgical specialties, ortho, neuro, PM&R), ancillary and diagnostic services to support the integration of the care experience and convenience for all of UMN’s patients. The project includes a retail pharmacy for patients and visitors, able to service the pharmacy needs for the clinics and surgery. A café is located in the lobby to serve the building, with outside seating. The building exterior is brick, cast stone, curtainwall, and window glazing, consistent with university standards.

Awards & Certifications

  • 2015 – Top Projects of 2015: Finance & Commerce

Completion Date