Fargo Public Library

Fargo, North Dakota

Addressing the growth of Fargo, ND, and its surrounding communities, Fargo Public Library (FPL) worked with JLG to review current facilities, space needs, and services – aiming to create a long-range plan that would right-size facilities, improve services, and integrate modernized library programming. In 2023, JLG completed a 100,000 SF study and pre-design for the long-range facilities planning of FPL. Per the client’s request, the study explored both users and non-users, fully engaging staff and volunteers in walkthroughs, workshops, and meetings to gain thoughtful feedback. Space needs were further determined through a deep assessment of layout, functionality, collections flow, and a review of their programming, measured against JLG’s understanding of current library trends and select case studies from around the region. The comprehensive master plan presented a three-phased approach to be executed over the span of ten years, laying out actionable steps, challenges, building deficiencies, and new opportunities within existing and new construction In the final document, JLG presented staff notes overlaying existing plans, using clear storytelling graphics to draw a direct connection between issues expressed and solutions proposed. This master plan included detailing an expansion of the Carlson branch, which would allow the City to develop into new areas while still serving the community in between major renovations. Ultimately, the master plan helped FPL forge a clear vision for the future, offering a more defined understanding of strong City partnerships, goals, departmental collaboration, and modernized programming for heightened community enrichment.

Completion Date