Design for Life
People-first architecture
Empowering communities through exceptional design
At JLG, we strive for design solutions that uplift entire communities and make the everyday better; architecture that enables people to work healthier, learn faster, and play safer. Architecture that is responsible to a bottom line and a larger ideal — not only today — but for the lifecycle of each space. When created with purpose and aspiration, architecture becomes more than a building — it serves as the foundation for an improved life.
We believe in more than just buildings; we believe in COMMUNITY.
We know that it takes more than just bricks and mortar to build a community. It takes passionate local stewardship, progressive leaders, and resourceful designers who understand how to turn a small idea into a big future. We believe that you get back what you put in, and so our 190 JLGers continuously give their time, resources, and energy to improve our clients’, our neighbors’, and our families’ quality of life. Why is this important? Because we live here.
We don’t build projects; we build RELATIONSHIPS.
We believe good DESIGN makes life better.
At JLG, we seek to do what has not been done. We do more than merely follow sustainable design certification systems like LEED. We raise the bar by going beyond – advancing comprehensive sustainability by addressing Human Experience, Positive Performance, and Financial Prosperity. We are explorers driven to discover, looking for new insights that support clients’ needs. We create solutions that meet clients’ goals while potentially lowering operating costs and providing flexible, resilient buildings that inspire and elevate people, improve lives, and last well into the next generation.
We plan for the STEWARDSHIP of our clients’ and our Earth’s resources.
We live our values; INTEGRITY and authenticity are our guideposts.
How we conduct ourselves in business and the way we approach projects is a reflection of the values on which we were raised. We do what we say, and we say what we do. We are proud of our roots and of being trustworthy, family-loving, down-to-earth people. For our clients, we embrace hard work and opportunity. We are dedicated to doing it the right way, always, to create value for the entire community.